Saturday, January 10, 2009

A box lunch...

Today I was in a tax class all day long. I thought at lunch we would break and I could run over to the store for a light lunch. Well they announced they were serving a boxed lunch! I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to eat it. I was pleasantly surprised! They had boxed lunches from Panera. I chose a tuna salad on wheat bread. I have not eaten a sandwich in over 9 months! I ate about 1/4 of the sandwich with no problems at all. It was delicious!
I have not exercised today. My brain is so fried after 9 hours of federal taxation instruction!!! I will make it up tomorrow with a vigorous gym workout!
On an odd note - I have been craving salsa for about a month now. I do not know why I am wanting to eat the tomato,onion and chili goodness! Can a person have a salsa deficiency?


Beth said...

AHhhh, that's where you were today! I had to do Richard all by myself, and he was sad. Maybe tomorrow? Though it sounds like you have a gym membership. Did I know that? LOL

DocSly said...

Hey, I put salsa on refried beans and get the protein and the flavor all in one bite. I think we need to add different things in our diet for taste buds. I hadn't eaten cottage cheese and pineapple in a long time and had it for lunch yesterday. It was a great treat. Have fun at the gym tomorrow!

MaryEllen said...

Beth - I do not have a gym membership...yet. Doug and Chelsea really want to join and it is a better deal with a family membership.

DocSly - That sounds like a perfect way to have my salsa! I have been having it with scoop tortilla chips and although they are quite yummy...I am sure they are not good for my weight loss efforts! hahahaha
I LOVE cottage cheese and pineapple! It is so good!! I have also been eating Greek yogurt which is delicious! This morning I am having a chocolate, peanut butter, caramel protein tastes like cheating but its not!!