Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thanks for the lemonade....

I was just listening to a song called Lemonade by Chris Rice. It struck me about how your life is changed by adversity. So with this adversity what do I do? Make lemonade and get an extra straw or something else? In the past adversity caused me to do something else...become depressed, eat my problems away. You betcha that is what I did. My food was my crack - my nicotine - my booze. It comforted me when I was living in a bad marriage - when my little niece died food held me tight through the tears. Now I am living a life where my friend and companion is no longer food. Food cannot really hang out with me anymore - it does not make me feel good any longer. We have officially broken up. Now I am facing my adversity with a big glass of water and a elliptical in my basement. I am facing the daily trials with a new outlook on my life. The adversity I have had in my life has served to help me recognize when things are good. Right now things are GOOD!! I have a wonderful husband who I love dearly. My kids are doing great and they are happy. I have my parents who I speak with everyday. I am blessed with a nice job for great people. I am finding some faith which was absent for about 8 years. So I am pouring lemonade into my glass which is now half full. Life is all how you look at it. It is my choice to be happy no matter what. The world is tilting in my favor - life has given me lemonade and I am enjoying the frosty glass.

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